How To Use Distinct In SQL

How To Use Distinct In SQL

SQL is a programming language now used by software developers across the world. The language is used to create relational databases, which can help to store structured data and information. However, this does not mean that SQL is free from negative criticism, as there may come a situation when you have multiple records with duplicate … Read more

How To Drop A Column In SQL

How To Drop A Column In SQL

For any SQL user, you will know that the commands are the primary focus. They need to be written correctly and executed properly in order to perform their function. How to drop a column using SQL commands is fairly uncomplicated, once you get the hang of the syntax. This guide will take an explorative path … Read more

How To Delete A Table In SQL

How To Delete A Table In SQL

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a fantastic tool for building databases and maintaining data integrity, but this nifty programming language is just as handy when it comes to the destructive side of data management. Data, especially large amounts of it, is rarely a static entity. As the world changes, data changes, and some of it … Read more

How To Create A Table In SQL

How To Create Table In SQL

SQL may be primarily used to find action data requests, but another major benefit it brings to the table is, well… tables. Yep, you can use SQL to create and alter tables in your database easily and efficiently, so no matter how much data you’re dealing with, keeping on top of it all is an … Read more

How Can We Get The Number Of Records Or Rows In A Table Using MySQL?

Get The Number Of Records Or Rows In A Table Using MySQL

MySQL has proven to be a truly invaluable resource for many businesses across the world. Ever since it was introduced by IBM in the 1970s, the SQL programming language has made it easy to store millions of cells of data on customers, transactions, stock, and far more, without having to wrestle with uncooperative spreadsheets. There … Read more

How Long Does It Take To Learn SQL?

How Long Does It Take To Learn SQL

If you work with data, or with databases, you will probably already know that learning SQL is imperative. Okay, we will admit, learning any programming language is far from being a piece of cake, more a slab of concrete. However, aside from the metaphors, SQL is not too tricky, it is not like learning extreme … Read more

How To Write SQL Queries

How To Write SQL Queries

SQL or Structured Query Language is a specialized computer language used in data processing and data manipulation.  Data driven analytics is one of the most important tools used in a number of industries. With this in mind, it’s vital that data can be collected and analyzed from any given database quickly and effectively. That’s where … Read more

How to Create A Table In SQL

How to Create A Table In SQL

Creating a table in SQL can be a difficult task if you have no idea what you’re doing. Tables are used to create a place for data, they are often named differently within this. A table will be something that contains one or more columns. Each particular column will have a designated specific data. Whether … Read more

How To Remove Duplicates In SQL

How to Remove Duplicates in SQL

In this article, we will explain the full process of performing SQL activity for duplicates specifically on rows, from a table. Really, we need to follow the specific best methods while designing and developing objects in the SQL server. To give you an example, a table will have identity columns, primary keys, constraints to ensure … Read more

How To Insert Data Into SQL

How To Insert Data Into SQL

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a language used in relational databases. There are many different commands to learn in order to navigate SQL efficiently. This guide focuses on the INSERT INTO SQL command. This particular SQL feature is all about how to insert data in SQL into a database. INSERT INTO command is used … Read more